Kid to Kid opened August 5th, and this months theme is "Siblings". Clove made these cute matching "big sis, little sis" outfits for the event. These outfits come in 5 different colors and come in both baby and kid sizes, so you and your big sister can match. They are 125L each. I have a big sis, but she's never on long enough for me to snap a pic with her, so I had to pose by myself *sad face*. I decided to mix my outfit up a little, with the pink leggings and purple shirt! Clove also made little ribbons that say "big sister", "little sister", "big brother" and "little brother". for 50L each.
Kid to Kid will run until August 31st!

Outfit: Clove - Tiffany leggings pink, Tiffany top purple - @ KId to Kid
Hair: Magika - Little - Magika