It's time for another amazing outfit from the {Color me Cute} event! From Paper Damsels comes the Adolen Dress. This dress comes in different colors and it was really hard to choose, but the blue dress made me think of "Alice in Wonderland", and because I loooove Alice, I knew this was the one for me! The back of this dress has two lace straps and I wish I would have thought to get a pic of that too, but you can just go check it out for yourself!

Dress: Paper Damsels - Adolen Dress - Blue - {Color me Cute} event
Shoes: part of ~*Sweet Tots*~ Ginger Dreams outfit ~*Sweet Tots*~
Hair: [Love Soul] Hair *149* - [Love Soul]
Tights: Turducken ToddleeDoo - PolkaDot Tights - white - Marketplace
Necklace: { Blush. } - Birthstone Necklace - silver - { Blush. }
Earrings: :*BABY*: Chic Earrings - Marketplace